
1 Park Avenue, Inside Oasis Day Spa, New York, NY 10016


Potential Tag

Heather Edwards Mental Health Counseling / Posts tagged "Potential"

Design Your Best Life

Each of us has a unique life story. We come from different families, places, and generations. Our circumstances effect and shape who we are and become. Personal experiences are part of us, wherever we go. We use our history to guide us through life. What's familiar is comfortable and predictable. Sometimes though, it's not the most helpful. How do we acknowledge and let go of the part of our life story that holds us back? How do we flourish, soothe, and celebrate our truly unique, special, and amazing potential?    Answer the following questions to help clarify your strengths, challenges, and life goals.  Begin to design your best life. 1. When do I shine? There are times, situations, places, and environments where we shine! Notice when you...

Psychology Today Article… Getting Unstuck: Revitalize Your Professional Self… Six Ways to a Better Job.

This article is published in Psychology Today by Heather Edwards and Mark Banschick.  It is entitled, " Getting Unstuck: Revitalizing Your Work Life Five Ways to a Better Job".   Let's face it.  We've all been there, running full speed in the hamster wheel of work-exhaustion and discontent. Job dissatisfaction can bring you down and effect all areas of your life, if it is not addressed. People often feel burned out and under-appreciated at work.   "I feel so disrespected.", "I'm bored with my job and I deserve a promotion.", "I'm overwhelmed, I don't enjoy my work anymore.", are pretty common expressions of burn out.  These are obvious indicators that it's time for a career make-over.  If you put in the time, effort, and soul searching required, you can create the career you want!  It seems like a daunting task, but...

Seeking Refuge

Psychology 101 teaches students everywhere that besides food, water, and air, the most basic of human needs is SAFETY.  Just watching the news today can be traumatizing.  It seems the news networks are building their audience and profits by sensationalizing real and/or perceived threats to their viewers' personal and public safety.  We're easily captivated by the shock and horror of natural disasters and man's capability to commit heinous acts.  Whatever the headline, it grasps our attention, shakes us up, and dares us to let go.  What does one do with the barrage of real threats and sensationalism around us?  Where does one find refuge?  How can we create a sense of peace and carry on our lives a productive and optimistic way?  Here are a...

Trusting Your Intuition

It goes by various names: gut, instinct, insight, intuition, even a sixth sense, but whichever name you choose, it still holds the same meaning. It’s our ability to act on or sense something without the use of rational process. To break it down, intuition is basically how we tap into our subconscious mind, which is where we store information that we may not remember on a conscious level. Sometimes we can pick up on things without realizing it and it will register as a “feeling” that we can't quite explain. It can come in different forms for everyone- that inner monologue telling you when someone isn’t being truthful or that sudden spike in alertness when you just know something isn’t right. Unfortunately, a lot of...

BOOST YOUR ENERGY – Emotional Cleansing

Have you noticed that your energy levels wax and wane depending on the day of the week, and sometimes the time of day? Well, it's not unusual to feel variations in your motivation, activity level, and mood throughout the day, week, or month. This happens because of changing factors like diet, exercise, hormones, stress, and the way you think about situations. How can you optimize your energy for maximum productivity and forward movement? Consider a combination of mental, physical, and emotional "cleansers" to get you on a course toward a more energized tomorrow. There's no magic wand, but a little effort and intention can go a long way. Boost your energy...

Unlocking Your Potential: What would you change?

How did Felix Baumgartner discover the courage and fortitude to freefall from 128,000 feet in the stratosphere and break the sound barrier?  How did Steve Jobs harness the brilliance, passion, and energy to improve lives so dramatically through technology? How did Michael Phelps train to win 22 Olympic Medals, far exceeding any other wins in history?  Each of them started with an idea, a curiosity, a dream.  Each of them took a risk.  Each of them fully committed to their talent. What is your idea, dream, or curiosity?  What do you want to achieve, experience, or change? How could you define the steps to a better tomorrow?  What is stopping you? Now is the time to get started!  Stop depriving the world of your greatness and unleash...

Washington Monument

What Can Life Coaching Do For Me?

A Life Coach provides the support, encouragement, and extra push required to stretch you beyond your comfort zone.  She helps you prioritize, manage time, and maintain clarity needed for continued and new successes. Weekly check-ins keep you accountable to the goals you set.  You and your Coach celebrate victories and troubleshoot challenges.   Problems are faced head-on to develop strategies and solutions that work for you. You and your Coach will notice the things that are going well!  After all, when was the last time you gave yourself credit for your accomplishments?  There are hundreds of tasks we complete everyday that we take for granted. Notice them, own them, and celebrate them! It's true that we all have a wealth of wisdom.  We have vibrant ideas about how we want things to be different in our lives, and perhaps the world. We know we want...