
1 Park Avenue, Inside Oasis Day Spa, New York, NY 10016


focus Tag

Heather Edwards Mental Health Counseling / Posts tagged "focus" (Page 2)

Seeking Refuge

Psychology 101 teaches students everywhere that besides food, water, and air, the most basic of human needs is SAFETY.  Just watching the news today can be traumatizing.  It seems the news networks are building their audience and profits by sensationalizing real and/or perceived threats to their viewers' personal and public safety.  We're easily captivated by the shock and horror of natural disasters and man's capability to commit heinous acts.  Whatever the headline, it grasps our attention, shakes us up, and dares us to let go.  What does one do with the barrage of real threats and sensationalism around us?  Where does one find refuge?  How can we create a sense of peace and carry on our lives a productive and optimistic way?  Here are a...

Spring Into a New Mindset

[caption id="attachment_1011" align="alignleft" width="300"] Lillies at Rockefeller Center Plaza.[/caption] The air is warmer, the sun is brighter, and the days are longer.  It's the season of new beginnings.  Spring is the time of year to de-clutter, cleanse, and freshen up our lives.  We enjoy the crisp air, the budding trees, and a bit more exercise.  So why not enliven and rejuvenate our mindset, too?  It's easy to fall into the habit of negative thinking.  The shorter, darker, colder days of winter can wear on our normally cheery and optimistic outlook.  It can effect our beliefs, feelings, and behaviors.  For example, when in stressful or unfamiliar situations, many of us tend to automatically assume the worst possible case scenario.  That fearful belief provokes an anxious feeling that...


Lately it seems we're obsessed with establishing balance in our lives.  The day to day rat race keeps us running in diametrically opposed directions from one moment to the next. When life feels off-kilter, whether its due to neglected or all-consuming life domains, we strive to re-balance ourselves and maintain a comfortable order.  Some of us desire more time with family and less time at work.  Some need time for self nurturing, and less time worrying about everyone else.  Some crave time for education and skill development instead of household chores.  The formula for balance may look quite different for everyone.  Regardless, the demands of daily life can leave us feeling exhausted and depleted.  No matter how it looks for you, at the end of the day, the satisfaction we...


SEARCH FOR INSPIRATION EVERYDAY! I find inspiration in the people around me. My clients, friends, and family give me ENERGY, AMBITION, AND PURPOSE. The beginning of a new year brings introspection, evaluation, and a quest for self improvement. Along with the usual resolutions, most of us seek to develop a unique and personally meaningful aspect of our lives. I wonder if you've said, "I want a creative outlet.", "I want a mission.", "I always loved [dance] as a child. I want to bring that back into my life." DISCOVER YOUR PASSION. What makes you smile, laugh out loud, or shout? The path to fulfilling your quest for meaning lies within YOU. Where does your mind wander to when you have a moment of peace and...

Rules for Fair Fighting

In my Coaching and Psychotherapy work with individuals, couples, families, and business partners I've found a few simple & effective tools for de-escalating an argument and resolving conflict as tensions rise. People often seek coaching or therapy once they've found themselves in repeated unhealthy or non-productive patterns with significant others. This can become a frustrating and seemingly hopeless situation without the intervention of a helper or the resources needed to get out of the mire. We can all attest to the fact that feeling stuck stinks. Try these simple tips to aerate and refreshen the way you debate. 1. Use "I" messages instead of "You" messages. Recognize how conflict affects you. Give your feelings words. Unless your partner is clairvoyant, there is no way for him/her...

Better Time Management

How often has it felt like you would NEVER get everything done that needs to be done?  Your to-do list becomes overwhelming and downright stifling.  The more you think about it, the bigger and more impossible it seems.  You know that if you just start whittling away at it, it will be done before you know it.  But where and how do you start?  Follow these simple steps to tackle the unsurmountable with ease and grace.  1.  Draft your to-do list - Write everything down. Yup, every single item no matter how big or small.  Put it on paper, in front of you. This stops the list from swirling in your head and stopping you.  Take charge! 2.  Prioritize the list using a letter system to designate...

Washington Monument

What Can Life Coaching Do For Me?

A Life Coach provides the support, encouragement, and extra push required to stretch you beyond your comfort zone.  She helps you prioritize, manage time, and maintain clarity needed for continued and new successes. Weekly check-ins keep you accountable to the goals you set.  You and your Coach celebrate victories and troubleshoot challenges.   Problems are faced head-on to develop strategies and solutions that work for you. You and your Coach will notice the things that are going well!  After all, when was the last time you gave yourself credit for your accomplishments?  There are hundreds of tasks we complete everyday that we take for granted. Notice them, own them, and celebrate them! It's true that we all have a wealth of wisdom.  We have vibrant ideas about how we want things to be different in our lives, and perhaps the world. We know we want...