
1 Park Avenue, Inside Oasis Day Spa, New York, NY 10016


Author: Heather Edwards

Heather Edwards Mental Health Counseling / Articles posted by Heather Edwards (Page 16)

BOOST YOUR ENERGY – Emotional Cleansing

Have you noticed that your energy levels wax and wane depending on the day of the week, and sometimes the time of day? Well, it's not unusual to feel variations in your motivation, activity level, and mood throughout the day, week, or month. This happens because of changing factors like diet, exercise, hormones, stress, and the way you think about situations. How can you optimize your energy for maximum productivity and forward movement? Consider a combination of mental, physical, and emotional "cleansers" to get you on a course toward a more energized tomorrow. There's no magic wand, but a little effort and intention can go a long way. Boost your energy...


SEARCH FOR INSPIRATION EVERYDAY! I find inspiration in the people around me. My clients, friends, and family give me ENERGY, AMBITION, AND PURPOSE. The beginning of a new year brings introspection, evaluation, and a quest for self improvement. Along with the usual resolutions, most of us seek to develop a unique and personally meaningful aspect of our lives. I wonder if you've said, "I want a creative outlet.", "I want a mission.", "I always loved [dance] as a child. I want to bring that back into my life." DISCOVER YOUR PASSION. What makes you smile, laugh out loud, or shout? The path to fulfilling your quest for meaning lies within YOU. Where does your mind wander to when you have a moment of peace and...

Holiday Stress Management

Whether you celebrate one holiday or all of them- we are all familiar with the whirlwind that begins right after Halloween, builds to Thanksgiving, and continues gaining momentum through the end of the year. While this season is meant to bring feelings of closeness and cheer to you and your loved ones, it can also bring on feelings of stress and anxiety- especially during the planning of events. 

On the bright side unlike many other types of stress, holiday stress is predictable. We know where it will begin and end and we can make premeditated plans on how to reduce its impact on us. 

Here are some tips you can try during your holiday seasons to assist you with stress management and help your holidays...

Unlocking Your Potential: What would you change?

How did Felix Baumgartner discover the courage and fortitude to freefall from 128,000 feet in the stratosphere and break the sound barrier?  How did Steve Jobs harness the brilliance, passion, and energy to improve lives so dramatically through technology? How did Michael Phelps train to win 22 Olympic Medals, far exceeding any other wins in history?  Each of them started with an idea, a curiosity, a dream.  Each of them took a risk.  Each of them fully committed to their talent. What is your idea, dream, or curiosity?  What do you want to achieve, experience, or change? How could you define the steps to a better tomorrow?  What is stopping you? Now is the time to get started!  Stop depriving the world of your greatness and unleash...

Learning to Let Go: Steps to help you handle life’s tough situations

Stress happens! We can all agree to that. But when negative thoughts become burdensome they distract our focus, creativity and productivity. What started as a doubt or regret can turn into overwhelming anxiety. It can take away precious time and energy. Mistakes being replayed over and over in our heads can be dangerous to our thoughts, actions and health. A way to combat this destructive process is to master letting go of the thoughts that are troubling you. It's possible that you can't change the stressful situation but you can change how you think about it. Life isn’t simple and very seldom will everything be worry free, but there is a way to create a larger sense of peace in your life. Taking a moment...

Rules for Fair Fighting

In my Coaching and Psychotherapy work with individuals, couples, families, and business partners I've found a few simple & effective tools for de-escalating an argument and resolving conflict as tensions rise. People often seek coaching or therapy once they've found themselves in repeated unhealthy or non-productive patterns with significant others. This can become a frustrating and seemingly hopeless situation without the intervention of a helper or the resources needed to get out of the mire. We can all attest to the fact that feeling stuck stinks. Try these simple tips to aerate and refreshen the way you debate. 1. Use "I" messages instead of "You" messages. Recognize how conflict affects you. Give your feelings words. Unless your partner is clairvoyant, there is no way for him/her...


Fall Into a New You

Goal-Setting for the Fall Season. Fall is the season of change and transition, the air is getting crisper, the leaves are changing colors, and the nights are getting longer. Just like the seasons, we are not meant to be static.  We are at our best when we are open to new experiences, flexible to life’s curves, and willing to get out of our comfort zones. Reflection and goal setting is a great way to use the shifting of seasons to help organize and motivate ourselves. Using goals to manage your life gives you plenty of opportunity to see where things can improve. Instead of saving all your resolutions for the last minute- use fall to look back at your year so far!  Looking at the past gives...

Healthy Foods Can Lift Your Mood

Thanks so much to my smart and witty cousin, Jessi Haggerty, RD for today's post.  Jessi makes eating healthy fun and tasty! Since delving into the world of nutrition and food, I have come to believe that there is a cure for everything in the food we eat, or don't eat for that matter.  There have been numerous research studies, articles, and nutrition books written about how a high quality diet can prevent, and possibly cure, everything from heart disease to cancer.  But I'm here to talk about how your food can make your day, well, a little bit better.   It's no secret that the foods we eat can affect our mood, and that our mood can affect the food we eat, which can create a...